Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Reflux Disease (GERD) Symptoms

Persistent heartburn is the most common symptom of GERD.
Heartburn is a burning pain in the center of the chest, behind the breastbone. It often starts in the upper abdomen and spreads up into the neck.

The pain can last as long as 2 hours.

Heartburn is usually worse after eating.

Lying down or bending over can bring on heartburn or make it worse.

The pain usually does not start or get worse with physical activity.

Heartburn is sometimes referred to as acid indigestion.

Not everyone with GERD has heartburn.

Other symptoms of GERD include the following:
Regurgitation of bitter acid up into the throat while sleeping or bending over

Bitter taste in the mouth

Persistent dry cough

Hoarseness (especially in the morning)

Feeling of tightness in the throat, as if a piece of food is stuck there


The most common symptoms in children are repeated vomiting, coughing, and other respiratory problems.

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